▀▄▀▄▀▄ MangDL ▀▄▀▄▀▄

Manga Downloader

Codacy Badge GitHub release (latest by date including pre-releases) GitHub Workflow Status

The most inefficient manga downloader for PC (and soon, also a reader)

...but I don't think you'll write code valuable enough for them (Content creators and/or owners) to do that (file a DMCA strike against MangDL)

- KR

whi_ne has good organization [skills] and bad code

- Arjix

Github: github.com/MangDL/MangDL

Website: mdl.pages.dev

To be updated, be sure to watch this repository and join the Discord Support Server for MangDL.

For the terms of usage and legals, visit license and terms of usage & disclaimer.


Since people are looking for the download first, here you go:

Follow this link to install MangDL in your machine.


Supported OSes


For the full list of providers, visit this link.

Table of Contents


Before using this project, it is recommended to visit license and terms of usage & disclaimer for the terms of usage, disclaimer, and legals.

mangdl -h


mangdl dl <title> [OPTIONS]

For programmatic use, visit the documentation: mdl.pages.dev/docs

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


The following are the required programs and/or packages to run this project:


Follow this link to install MangDL in your machine.




You can contribute by creating a new issue, or by creating pull requests.

At the time of writing, there are no templates for both creating a new issue and pull requests.

The developer notes however that the said template will be created if a trend of users using this project is evident.

For creating a new issue, please make sure that the said issue is not on the list of closed and open issues.

After checking that that is the case, create a new issue.

The title of the issue must summarize its contents.

The body must contain the following:

Known Issues and Limitations

At the time of writing, this project can not be run in Termux due to a fatal error.

Also, something is broken and I don't know what is, 'cause I forgot!

Future of this project

The TODO will be done, except for that, nothing else.



Copyright for portions of project MangDL are held by [Github Account justfoolingaround Owner, 2021] as part of project AnimDL.

All other copyright for project MangDL are held by [Github Account whinee Owner, 2021].

Check the LICENSE for more details.


Thank you:

MIT Logo

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (vectorized by Mysid, modified by whinee), Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons


Exclamation Mark, Code Fork, Star, Group, Code, and Discord icons by Icons8

NOTE: If a reference or source material is not attributed properly or not at all, please kindly message me at Discord: whi_ne#5135 or create a pull request so I can properly give credit to their respective authors.