Module mangdl.utils.utils

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import ast
import difflib
import itertools
import re
import sys
import unicodedata
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from functools import lru_cache
from os.path import dirname as dn
from os.path import realpath as rp
from time import strftime, strptime
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Union

import arrow

ALL_CHARS = (chr(i) for i in range(sys.maxunicode))
CCHARS = ''.join(map(chr, itertools.chain(range(0x00,0x20), range(0x7f,0xa0))))
CCHARS_RE = re.compile('[%s]' % re.escape(CCHARS))

def dnrp(file: str, n: int=1) -> str:
    Get the directory component of a pathname by n times recursively then return it.

        file (str): File to get the directory of.
        n (int, optional): Number of times to get up the directory???? Defaults to 1.

        op (str): The directory component got recursively by n times from the given pathname
    op = rp(file)
    for _ in range(n):
        op = dn(op)
    return op

def de(a: Any, d: Any) -> Any:
    Defaults. Return a if a is True, else returns d.

        a (Any): Object to be tested, will be returned if evaluates to True.
        d (Any): Default object to be returned if `a` evaluates to False.

    if a:
        return a
        return d

def dd(default: Dict[Any, Any], d: Union[Dict[Any, Any], None]) -> Dict[Any, Any]:
    Defaults dictionary. Overwrite the items in the default dict with the
    items in the d dict.

        default (Dict[Any, Any]): The dict to rewrite the items to.
        d (Union[Dict[Any, Any], None]): The dict to rewrite the items from.

        dict[Any, Any]
    op = default
    if d:
        for a, v in d.items():
            op[a] = v
    return op

def ddir(d: Dict[Any, Any], dir: str, de: Any={}) -> Any:
    Retrieve dictionary value using recursive indexing with a string.
        `ddir({"data": {"attr": {"ch": 1}}}, "data/attr/ch")`
        will return `1`

        dict (dict): Dictionary to retrieve the value from.
        dir (str): Directory of the value to be retrieved.

        op (Any): Retrieved value.
    op = d
    for a in dir.split("/"):
        op = op[a]
    return op or de

def dt(dt: str, format: str) -> str:
    Remove timezone from datetime and format it to ISO 8601 format.

        dt (str): Unformatted datetime string to be formatted to ISO 8601 format
        format (str): The initial format of the datetime string

        str: Formatted datetime string
    op = dt
    if "ago" in dt:
        arw = arrow.utcnow()
        arw.dehumanize("2 days ago")
        op = strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", strptime(dt, format))
        tz = re.match(r"(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2})([-+])(\d{2}):(\d{2})", op)
        if tz:
            iso, s, ho, mo = tz.groups()
            s = -1 if s == "-" else 1
            op = (datetime.fromisoformat(iso) - (s * timedelta(hours=int(ho), minutes=int(mo)))).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
    return op

def dt_ts(ts: str) -> str:
    Convert the given unix timestamp to ISO 8601 format.

        ts (str): unix timestamp to be converted to ISO 8601 format

        str: Formatted datetime string
    return (datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(ts))).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")

def parse_list(opt: Union[str, None]):
    Takes a string and evaluates it to a list if it is a list,
    else it splits it into a list.

    It then evaluates the values of that list.

        opt (Union[str, None]): The object to be evaluated.

    if isinstance(opt, str):
        opt = opt[1:-1]
            opts = list(ast.literal_eval(opt))
        except (SyntaxError, ValueError):
            opts = list(opt.split(','))
        for i, x in enumerate(opts):
                opts[i] = ast.literal_eval(x)
            except (SyntaxError, ValueError):
                opts[i] = x.strip()
        return opts
        return None

def squery(query: str, possibilities: List[str], cutoff: int=0.6, *, processor: Callable[[Any], Any]=lambda r: r):
    Custom search query.

        query (str): String to search for in the possibilities.
        possibilities (List[str]): The possibilities to search from.
        cutoff (int, optional): The minimum percentage of similarity from the
            given possibilities. Defaults to 0.6.
        processor (Callable[[Any], Any], optional): Processes the possibilities
            before comparing it with the query. Defaults to lambda r:r.

    sequence_matcher = difflib.SequenceMatcher()

    for search_value in possibilities:
        if (query.lower() in processor(search_value).lower()):
            yield (None, search_value)
        if (sequence_matcher.real_quick_ratio() >= cutoff and sequence_matcher.quick_ratio(
        ) >= cutoff and sequence_matcher.ratio() >= cutoff):
            yield (sequence_matcher.ratio(), search_value)

def sanitize_text(s: str):
    return unicodedata.normalize("NFKD", CCHARS_RE.sub('', s)).strip()


def dd(default: Dict[Any, Any], d: Optional[Dict[Any, Any]]) ‑> Dict[Any, Any]

Defaults dictionary. Overwrite the items in the default dict with the items in the d dict.


default : Dict[Any, Any]
The dict to rewrite the items to.
d : Union[Dict[Any, Any], None]
The dict to rewrite the items from.


dict[Any, Any]

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def dd(default: Dict[Any, Any], d: Union[Dict[Any, Any], None]) -> Dict[Any, Any]:
    Defaults dictionary. Overwrite the items in the default dict with the
    items in the d dict.

        default (Dict[Any, Any]): The dict to rewrite the items to.
        d (Union[Dict[Any, Any], None]): The dict to rewrite the items from.

        dict[Any, Any]
    op = default
    if d:
        for a, v in d.items():
            op[a] = v
    return op
def ddir(d: Dict[Any, Any], dir: str, de: Any = {}) ‑> Any

Retrieve dictionary value using recursive indexing with a string. ex.: ddir({"data": {"attr": {"ch": 1}}}, "data/attr/ch") will return 1


dict : dict
Dictionary to retrieve the value from.
dir : str
Directory of the value to be retrieved.


op (Any): Retrieved value.

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def ddir(d: Dict[Any, Any], dir: str, de: Any={}) -> Any:
    Retrieve dictionary value using recursive indexing with a string.
        `ddir({"data": {"attr": {"ch": 1}}}, "data/attr/ch")`
        will return `1`

        dict (dict): Dictionary to retrieve the value from.
        dir (str): Directory of the value to be retrieved.

        op (Any): Retrieved value.
    op = d
    for a in dir.split("/"):
        op = op[a]
    return op or de
def de(a: Any, d: Any) ‑> Any

Defaults. Return a if a is True, else returns d.


a : Any
Object to be tested, will be returned if evaluates to True.
d : Any
Default object to be returned if a evaluates to False.



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def de(a: Any, d: Any) -> Any:
    Defaults. Return a if a is True, else returns d.

        a (Any): Object to be tested, will be returned if evaluates to True.
        d (Any): Default object to be returned if `a` evaluates to False.

    if a:
        return a
        return d
def dnrp(file: str, n: int = 1) ‑> str

Get the directory component of a pathname by n times recursively then return it.


file : str
File to get the directory of.
n : int, optional
Number of times to get up the directory???? Defaults to 1.


op (str): The directory component got recursively by n times from the given pathname

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def dnrp(file: str, n: int=1) -> str:
    Get the directory component of a pathname by n times recursively then return it.

        file (str): File to get the directory of.
        n (int, optional): Number of times to get up the directory???? Defaults to 1.

        op (str): The directory component got recursively by n times from the given pathname
    op = rp(file)
    for _ in range(n):
        op = dn(op)
    return op
def dt(dt: str, format: str) ‑> str

Remove timezone from datetime and format it to ISO 8601 format.


dt : str
Unformatted datetime string to be formatted to ISO 8601 format
format : str
The initial format of the datetime string


Formatted datetime string
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def dt(dt: str, format: str) -> str:
    Remove timezone from datetime and format it to ISO 8601 format.

        dt (str): Unformatted datetime string to be formatted to ISO 8601 format
        format (str): The initial format of the datetime string

        str: Formatted datetime string
    op = dt
    if "ago" in dt:
        arw = arrow.utcnow()
        arw.dehumanize("2 days ago")
        op = strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", strptime(dt, format))
        tz = re.match(r"(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2})([-+])(\d{2}):(\d{2})", op)
        if tz:
            iso, s, ho, mo = tz.groups()
            s = -1 if s == "-" else 1
            op = (datetime.fromisoformat(iso) - (s * timedelta(hours=int(ho), minutes=int(mo)))).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
    return op
def dt_ts(ts: str) ‑> str

Convert the given unix timestamp to ISO 8601 format.


ts : str
unix timestamp to be converted to ISO 8601 format


Formatted datetime string
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def dt_ts(ts: str) -> str:
    Convert the given unix timestamp to ISO 8601 format.

        ts (str): unix timestamp to be converted to ISO 8601 format

        str: Formatted datetime string
    return (datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(ts))).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
def parse_list(opt: Optional[str])

Takes a string and evaluates it to a list if it is a list, else it splits it into a list.

It then evaluates the values of that list.


opt : Union[str, None]
The object to be evaluated.
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def parse_list(opt: Union[str, None]):
    Takes a string and evaluates it to a list if it is a list,
    else it splits it into a list.

    It then evaluates the values of that list.

        opt (Union[str, None]): The object to be evaluated.

    if isinstance(opt, str):
        opt = opt[1:-1]
            opts = list(ast.literal_eval(opt))
        except (SyntaxError, ValueError):
            opts = list(opt.split(','))
        for i, x in enumerate(opts):
                opts[i] = ast.literal_eval(x)
            except (SyntaxError, ValueError):
                opts[i] = x.strip()
        return opts
        return None
def sanitize_text(s: str)
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def sanitize_text(s: str):
    return unicodedata.normalize("NFKD", CCHARS_RE.sub('', s)).strip()
def squery(query: str, possibilities: List[str], cutoff: int = 0.6, *, processor: Callable[[Any], Any] = <function <lambda>>)

Custom search query.


query : str
String to search for in the possibilities.
possibilities : List[str]
The possibilities to search from.
cutoff : int, optional
The minimum percentage of similarity from the given possibilities. Defaults to 0.6.
processor : Callable[[Any], Any], optional
Processes the possibilities before comparing it with the query. Defaults to lambda r:r.
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def squery(query: str, possibilities: List[str], cutoff: int=0.6, *, processor: Callable[[Any], Any]=lambda r: r):
    Custom search query.

        query (str): String to search for in the possibilities.
        possibilities (List[str]): The possibilities to search from.
        cutoff (int, optional): The minimum percentage of similarity from the
            given possibilities. Defaults to 0.6.
        processor (Callable[[Any], Any], optional): Processes the possibilities
            before comparing it with the query. Defaults to lambda r:r.

    sequence_matcher = difflib.SequenceMatcher()

    for search_value in possibilities:
        if (query.lower() in processor(search_value).lower()):
            yield (None, search_value)
        if (sequence_matcher.real_quick_ratio() >= cutoff and sequence_matcher.quick_ratio(
        ) >= cutoff and sequence_matcher.ratio() >= cutoff):
            yield (sequence_matcher.ratio(), search_value)