Module mangdl.api.providers.mangadex
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import ast
import time
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Union
import httpx
from yarl import URL
from ...utils.settings import stg
from ...utils.utils import ddir, de, dnrp, parse_list
from ..base import Ch, Downloader, Manga, Vls, req
op_links = {
"al": "{}",
"ap": "{}",
"bw": "{}",
"mu": "{}",
"nu": "{}",
"kt": "[slug]={}",
"mal": "{}"
def ra(resp: httpx.Response) -> int:
op = resp.headers.get("X-RateLimit-Retry-After")
if op:
op = int(op) - int(time.time()) + 1
op = int(resp.headers['retry-after'])
return op
def value(d: Dict[Any, Any]) -> Any:
return list(d.values())[0]
def paginate(url: str, limit: int = 100, params: Dict[Any, Any] = {}) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
def get_page(offset: int=0):
return req.get(url, ra, params={k: d[k] for d in [{"limit": limit, "offset": offset}, params] for k in d}).json()
ls = []
offset = 0
x = get_page(offset)
while x["total"] - (offset + 100) > 0:
offset += 100
return ls
def url_id(url: str) -> str:
url = URL(url)
if url.is_absolute():
url = url.relative()
def ch_fn(url: str):
resp = req.get(f"{url_id(url)}", ra=ra).json()
return [f'{resp["baseUrl"]}/data/{ddir(resp, "chapter/hash")}/{i}' for i in ddir(resp, "chapter/data")]
def chapter(url: str) -> Ch:
id = url_id(url)
resp_obj = req.get(f"{id}", params={"includes[]": "scanlation_group"}).json()
def attr(dir: str):
return ddir(resp_obj, f"data/attributes/{dir}")
ch = attr("chapter")
vol = attr("volume")
return Ch(
url = url,
ch = ast.literal_eval(ch) if ch else ch,
vol = ast.literal_eval(vol) if vol else vol,
title = attr("title"),
uploaded_at = attr("publishAt"),
imgs = ch_fn(url),
def manga(url: str, chs: int=0) -> Manga:
id = url_id(url)
resp_obj = req.get(f"{id}?includes[]=author&includes[]=artist&includes[]=cover_art", ra=ra).json()
relps = ddir(resp_obj, "data/relationships")
def attr(dir: str) -> Any:
return ddir(resp_obj, f"data/attributes/{dir}")
def relp(x: str) -> str:
return [i for i in relps if i["type"] == x][0]
links = attr("links")
chap_dict = {}
if chs:
n = 1
for d in paginate(f"{id}/feed", 500, {"translatedLanguage[]": "en", "order[chapter]": "desc"}):
for r in d["data"]:
ch = ddir(r, "attributes/chapter")
if ch:
k = ast.literal_eval(ch)
k = -n
n += 1
cch = f"{ddir(r, 'id')}"
if chs == 2:
cch = chapter(cch)
chap_dict[k] = cch
return Manga(
url = url,
covers = [f"{id}/{ddir(c, 'attributes/fileName')}" for i in paginate(f"[]={id}") for c in i["data"]],
title = value(attr("title")),
alt_titles = [value(i) for i in attr("altTitles")],
author = [ddir(relp("author"), "attributes/name")],
artist = [ddir(relp("artist"), "attributes/name")],
status = {k: v for v, k in enumerate(["ongoing", "completed", "hiatus", "cancelled"])}.get(attr("status"), -1),
demographics = attr("publicationDemographic"),
content_rating = attr("contentRating"),
genres = {value(ddir(i, "attributes/name")): i["id"] for i in attr("tags") if ddir(i, "attributes/group") == "genre"},
updated_at = attr("updatedAt"),
created_at = attr("createdAt"),
description = attr("description/en"),
links = {k: op_links[k].format(v) if k in op_links else v for k, v in links.items()} if links else {},
chapters = chap_dict,
def dl_search(title: str, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, str]:
local = {"title": title, **kwargs}
params = []
sr = {}
ad = stg("mangadex/search", f"{dnrp(__file__, 3)}/utils/config.yaml")
for k in local:
v = local.get(k)
if isinstance(v, str):
elif isinstance(v, list):
for vv in v:
elif isinstance(v, dict):
for vk, vv in v.items():
elif isinstance(v, Vls):
for vk in
vv = v.vdict.get(vk, None)
if vv:
for page in paginate(f'{"&".join(params)}'):
for comic in page["data"]:
sr[value(ddir(comic, "attributes/title"))] = f'{comic["id"]}'
return sr
def cli_search(title: str, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, str]:
params = {}
tags = {ddir(t, "attributes/name/en").lower(): t["id"] for t in req.get("", ra).json()["data"]}
vls = {"tags": [*tags.keys()]}
for k, v in stg(f"mangadex/cli_search", f"{dnrp(__file__, 3)}/utils/config.yaml").items():
op = []
v = de(v, [])
strings = parse_list(kwargs[k])
if strings:
for string in strings:
if v and string in (v if isinstance(v, list) else vls[v]):
op.append(v[string] if isinstance(v, dict) else string)
params[k] = op
if kwargs["order"]:
o, s = kwargs["order"].split(":")
if o not in ['title', 'year', 'createdAt', 'updatedAt', 'latestUploadedChapter', 'followedCount', 'relevance']:
o = None
if s not in ['asc', 'desc']:
s = None
if o and s:
params["order"] = Vls(o, s)
year = kwargs["year"]
if year:
tags = {ddir(t, "attributes/name/en").lower(): t["id"] for t in req.get("", ra).json()["data"]}
im = kwargs["includemode"]
it = not not kwargs["includetags"]
if im:
im = im.upper()
if im in ["AND", "OR"] and it:
params["includemode"] = im
im = None
em = kwargs["excludemode"]
et = not not kwargs["excludetags"]
if em:
em = em.upper()
if em in ["AND", "OR"] and et:
params["excludemode"] = em
em = None
return dl_search(title, **params)
def chdls(url: str) -> List[Dict[Union[float, int, None], str]]:
id = url_id(url)
op = []
for i in paginate(f"{id}/feed", 500, {"translatedLanguage[]": "en", "order[chapter]": "desc"}):
for d in i["data"]:
op.append({ddir(d, "attributes/chapter"): f'{d["id"]}'})
return op
def dl(url: str, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]):
id = url_id(url)
Downloader(ch_fn, ra, **kwargs).dl_chdls(chdls(url), *ddir(req.get(f"{id}").json(), "data/attributes/title").values())
def cli_dl(title: str, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]):
Downloader(ch_fn, **kwargs).cli(cli_search, chdls, title)
def ch_fn(url: str)
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def ch_fn(url: str): resp = req.get(f"{url_id(url)}", ra=ra).json() return [f'{resp["baseUrl"]}/data/{ddir(resp, "chapter/hash")}/{i}' for i in ddir(resp, "chapter/data")]
def chapter(url: str) ‑> Ch
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def chapter(url: str) -> Ch: id = url_id(url) resp_obj = req.get(f"{id}", params={"includes[]": "scanlation_group"}).json() def attr(dir: str): return ddir(resp_obj, f"data/attributes/{dir}") ch = attr("chapter") vol = attr("volume") return Ch( url = url, ch = ast.literal_eval(ch) if ch else ch, vol = ast.literal_eval(vol) if vol else vol, title = attr("title"), uploaded_at = attr("publishAt"), imgs = ch_fn(url), )
def chdls(url: str) ‑> List[Dict[Union[float, int, ForwardRef(None)], str]]
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def chdls(url: str) -> List[Dict[Union[float, int, None], str]]: id = url_id(url) op = [] for i in paginate(f"{id}/feed", 500, {"translatedLanguage[]": "en", "order[chapter]": "desc"}): for d in i["data"]: op.append({ddir(d, "attributes/chapter"): f'{d["id"]}'}) return op
def cli_dl(title: str, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any])
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def cli_dl(title: str, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]): Downloader(ch_fn, **kwargs).cli(cli_search, chdls, title)
def cli_search(title: str, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) ‑> Dict[str, str]
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def cli_search(title: str, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, str]: params = {} tags = {ddir(t, "attributes/name/en").lower(): t["id"] for t in req.get("", ra).json()["data"]} vls = {"tags": [*tags.keys()]} for k, v in stg(f"mangadex/cli_search", f"{dnrp(__file__, 3)}/utils/config.yaml").items(): op = [] v = de(v, []) strings = parse_list(kwargs[k]) if strings: for string in strings: if v and string in (v if isinstance(v, list) else vls[v]): op.append(v[string] if isinstance(v, dict) else string) else: op.append(string) params[k] = op if kwargs["order"]: o, s = kwargs["order"].split(":") if o not in ['title', 'year', 'createdAt', 'updatedAt', 'latestUploadedChapter', 'followedCount', 'relevance']: o = None if s not in ['asc', 'desc']: s = None if o and s: params["order"] = Vls(o, s) year = kwargs["year"] if year: params.append(f'year={year}') tags = {ddir(t, "attributes/name/en").lower(): t["id"] for t in req.get("", ra).json()["data"]} im = kwargs["includemode"] it = not not kwargs["includetags"] if im: im = im.upper() if im in ["AND", "OR"] and it: params["includemode"] = im else: im = None em = kwargs["excludemode"] et = not not kwargs["excludetags"] if em: em = em.upper() if em in ["AND", "OR"] and et: params["excludemode"] = em else: em = None return dl_search(title, **params)
def dl(url: str, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any])
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def dl(url: str, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]): id = url_id(url) Downloader(ch_fn, ra, **kwargs).dl_chdls(chdls(url), *ddir(req.get(f"{id}").json(), "data/attributes/title").values())
def dl_search(title: str, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) ‑> Dict[str, str]
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def dl_search(title: str, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, str]: local = {"title": title, **kwargs} params = [] sr = {} ad = stg("mangadex/search", f"{dnrp(__file__, 3)}/utils/config.yaml") for k in local: v = local.get(k) if isinstance(v, str): params.append(f"{k}={v}") elif isinstance(v, list): for vv in v: params.append(f"{ad[k]}[]={vv}") elif isinstance(v, dict): for vk, vv in v.items(): params.append(f"{ad[k]}[{vk}]={vv}") elif isinstance(v, Vls): for vk in vv = v.vdict.get(vk, None) if vv: params.append(f"{ad[k]}[]={vv}") for page in paginate(f'{"&".join(params)}'): for comic in page["data"]: sr[value(ddir(comic, "attributes/title"))] = f'{comic["id"]}' return sr
def manga(url: str, chs: int = 0) ‑> Manga
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def manga(url: str, chs: int=0) -> Manga: id = url_id(url) resp_obj = req.get(f"{id}?includes[]=author&includes[]=artist&includes[]=cover_art", ra=ra).json() relps = ddir(resp_obj, "data/relationships") def attr(dir: str) -> Any: return ddir(resp_obj, f"data/attributes/{dir}") def relp(x: str) -> str: return [i for i in relps if i["type"] == x][0] links = attr("links") chap_dict = {} if chs: n = 1 for d in paginate(f"{id}/feed", 500, {"translatedLanguage[]": "en", "order[chapter]": "desc"}): for r in d["data"]: ch = ddir(r, "attributes/chapter") if ch: k = ast.literal_eval(ch) else: k = -n n += 1 cch = f"{ddir(r, 'id')}" if chs == 2: cch = chapter(cch) chap_dict[k] = cch return Manga( url = url, covers = [f"{id}/{ddir(c, 'attributes/fileName')}" for i in paginate(f"[]={id}") for c in i["data"]], title = value(attr("title")), alt_titles = [value(i) for i in attr("altTitles")], author = [ddir(relp("author"), "attributes/name")], artist = [ddir(relp("artist"), "attributes/name")], status = {k: v for v, k in enumerate(["ongoing", "completed", "hiatus", "cancelled"])}.get(attr("status"), -1), demographics = attr("publicationDemographic"), content_rating = attr("contentRating"), genres = {value(ddir(i, "attributes/name")): i["id"] for i in attr("tags") if ddir(i, "attributes/group") == "genre"}, updated_at = attr("updatedAt"), created_at = attr("createdAt"), description = attr("description/en"), links = {k: op_links[k].format(v) if k in op_links else v for k, v in links.items()} if links else {}, chapters = chap_dict, )
def paginate(url: str, limit: int = 100, params: Dict[Any, Any] = {}) ‑> List[Dict[str, Any]]
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def paginate(url: str, limit: int = 100, params: Dict[Any, Any] = {}) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: def get_page(offset: int=0): return req.get(url, ra, params={k: d[k] for d in [{"limit": limit, "offset": offset}, params] for k in d}).json() ls = [] offset = 0 x = get_page(offset) ls.append(x) while x["total"] - (offset + 100) > 0: offset += 100 ls.append(get_page(offset)) return ls
def ra(resp: httpx.Response) ‑> int
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def ra(resp: httpx.Response) -> int: op = resp.headers.get("X-RateLimit-Retry-After") if op: op = int(op) - int(time.time()) + 1 else: op = int(resp.headers['retry-after']) return op
def url_id(url: str) ‑> str
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def url_id(url: str) -> str: url = URL(url) if url.is_absolute(): url = url.relative() return[2]
def value(d: Dict[Any, Any]) ‑> Any
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def value(d: Dict[Any, Any]) -> Any: return list(d.values())[0]