Module mangdl.api.base
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import ast
import os
import re
import shutil
import sys
import time
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from functools import partial
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Type, Union
import click
import httpx
import patoolib
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from tqdm import tqdm
from yarl import URL
from ..utils import style
from ..utils.exceptions import DownloadFailed
from import ct
METHODS = ["get", "options", "head", "post", "put", "patch", "delete"]
SESSION = httpx.Client()
def _req(
url: str,
ra: Callable[[httpx.Response], int]=None,
method: str = "get",
session: httpx.Client = SESSION,
*args: List[Any],
**kwargs: Dict[str, Any]
) -> httpx.Response:
Custom request function with retry after capabilities for 429s.
url (str): URL to send the request to.
ra (Callable[[httpx.Response], int], optional): Retry after function,
receives the Response object and returns the seconds before
retrying. Defaults to None.
method (str, optional): The request method. Defaults to "get".
session (httpx.Client, optional): Session client. Defaults to SESSION.
httpx.Response: Response object.
resp = getattr(session, method)(url, follow_redirects=True, *args, **kwargs)
if resp.status_code == 429:
if ra:
return _req(url, ra, method, session, *args, **kwargs)
return resp
class req:
class ddos_guard:
ddos_resp ="")
ddos_cookies = {k: v for k, v in ddos_resp.cookies.items()}
ddos_session = httpx.Client(cookies=ddos_cookies)
req_dict = {
req: {},
ddos_guard: {"session": ddos_session},
for r, kw in req_dict.items():
for i in METHODS:
setattr(r, i, partial(_req, method=i, **kw))
def soup(url: str, req: Type[req]=req, method: str="get", **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> BeautifulSoup:
Returns a soup from the given url.
url (str): URL to get the soup from.
req (Type[req], optional): Object to call the methods from. Defaults to req.
BeautifulSoup: the soup
return BeautifulSoup(getattr(req, method)(url, **kwargs).text, "lxml")
class Vls:
vdict : Dict[str, Any]
ls : List[str]
class Ch:
url : str
ch : Union[int, float, None]
vol : Union[int, float, None]
title : str
views : int = 0
uploaded_at : str = None
scanlator_groups : List[str] = field(default_factory=list)
user : str = None
imgs : List[str] = field(default_factory=list)
class Manga:
url : str
title : str
author : List[str]
artist : List[str] = field(default_factory=list)
covers : List[str] = field(default_factory=list)
alt_titles : List[str] = field(default_factory=list)
status : int = -1
demographics : str = None
content_rating : str = None
genres : Dict[str, str] = field(default_factory=dict)
updated_at : str = None
created_at : str = None
views : int = None
description : str = "No description available."
links : Dict[str, str] = field(default_factory=dict)
chapters : Dict[Union[int, float], Ch] = field(default_factory=list)
def tblp(ls: List[str], ht: str="title", prompt: str='Enter the index of the manga to be downloaded'):
Table prompt.
Receive a list of items, format it in a table form and print,
then prompt the user to choose from the list using an index.
ls (List[str]): List of items.
ht (str, optional): [description]. Defaults to "title".
prompt (str, optional): [description]. Defaults to 'Enter the index of the manga to be downloaded'.
click.prompt: The input of the user.
ct.panel("Search Results")
ct.table(["index", ht], enumerate(ls))
return click.prompt(
style.ch_t4(f'{prompt}, defaults to 0'), '0',
[str(i) for i in range(len(ls))]
def sanitize_filename(filename: str) -> str:
Sanitize the given filename.
filename (str): The filename to be sanitized.
str: Sanitized filename.
return re.sub(re.compile(r"[<>:\"/\\|?*]", re.DOTALL), "", str(filename))
def get_extension(filename: str) -> str:
Get the file extension of a file from the given filename.
filename (str): The filename to get the file extension from.
str: The file extension from the given filename.
return filename.strip("/").split("/")[-1].split("?")[0].split(".")[-1]
def ordinal(n: int) -> str:
Convert the given number to ordinal number.
n (int): The number to convert into ordinal number.
str: The said ordinal number.
return "%d%s" % (n,"tsnrhtdd"[(n//10%10!=1)*(n%10<4)*n%10::4])
def _cr(rs: str):
The function that calculates the range.
rs (str): The range string where the range is calculated from.
Callable[[Any], bool]: The function that checks if the given int is within the range or not.
for matches in re.finditer(r"(?:(-?[0-9.]*)[:](-?[0-9.]*)|(-?[0-9.]+))", rs):
start, end, singular = matches.groups()
if (start and end) and float(start) > float(end):
start, end = end, start
yield (lambda x, s=singular: float(s) == x) if singular else (lambda x: True) if not (start or end) else (lambda x, s=start: x >= float(s)) if start and not end else (lambda x, e=end: x <= float(e)) if not start and end else (lambda x, s=start, e=end: float(s) <= x <= float(e))
if not rs:
return lambda *args, **kwargs: True
def cr(rs: str) -> Callable[[int], bool]:
Returns a function that checks if the given int is within the range or not.
The range is calculated from the given string.
rs (str): The range string where the range is calculated from.
Callable[[int], bool]: The function that checks if the given int is within the range or not.
if rs:
return lambda x: any(condition(x) for condition in _cr(rs))
return lambda x: True
class Downloader:
def __init__(
ch_fn: Callable[[Any], List[str]],
ra: Callable[[httpx.Response], int]=None,
headers: Dict[str, Any] = {},
cookies: Dict[str, Any] = {},
range: str='',
directory: str=None,
overwrite: bool=True,
format: str='cbz',
delfolder: bool=True,
retry: int=3,
retryprompt: bool=False,
threads: int=30,
**kwargs: Dict[str, Any]
self.kwargs = kwargs
local = locals()
for i in ["ch_fn", "ra", "headers", "cookies", "overwrite", "delfolder", "retry", "retryprompt", "threads"]:
setattr(self, i, local[i])
if directory:
self.ddir = directory
elif sys.platform == "win32":
self.ddir = os.path.join(os.path.join(os.environ['USERPROFILE']), 'Desktop', 'Manga')
self.ddir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), "Manga")
self.format = format.lower()
self.check = cr(range)
def _dlf(self, file: list[str], n: int=0):
The core individual image downloader.
file (str): List containing the filename and the url of the file.
n (int, optional): Times the download for this certain file is retried. Defaults to 0.
if (n+1) == self.retry:
return False
with open(file[0] + ".tmp", "wb") as f:
with"GET", file[1], headers=self.headers, cookies=self.cookies) as r:
if r.status_code == 200:
for chunk in r.iter_bytes(chunk_size=8192):
elif r.status_code == 429:
retry = self.ra(r)
self._dlf(file, n)
except (httpx.ReadTimeout, httpx.ConnectTimeout):
self._dlf(file, n+1)
return True
def dlf(self, file: List[str]):
Individual image downloader.
file (str): List containing the filename and the url of the file.
except FileExistsError:
if os.path.isfile(f"{file[0]}.tmp"):
f = self._dlf(file)
if f:
os.replace(f"{file[0]}.tmp", file[0])
raise DownloadFailed(f"Download of {file[1]} failed.")
def dlch(self, k: Union[int, float], v: List[str], n: int=0):
Individual chapter downloader.
k (Union[int, float]): Chapter number.
v (List[str]): List of image urls.
dl = True
jdir = os.path.join(self.ddir, self.title, sanitize_filename(k))
if self.check(k):
if os.path.isdir(jdir):
if self.overwrite:
dl = False
if os.path.isfile(f"{jdir}.{self.format}"):
if self.overwrite:
dl = False
if (n+1) == self.retry:
dl = False
if dl:
chapter_name = str(k)
jdir = os.path.join(self.ddir, self.title, sanitize_filename(chapter_name))
dl = True
if dl:
files = []
for index, page in enumerate(self.ch_fn(v)):
filename = os.path.join(
).replace("\\", "/")
files.append((filename, page))
fmt = style.t1(style.ch_ac1(chapter_name) + " [{remaining_s:05.2f} secs, {rate_fmt:0>12}] " + style.ldb("{bar}") +" [{n:03d}/{total:03d}, {percentage:03.0f}%]")
with ThreadPool(self.threads) as pool:
list(tqdm(pool.imap(self.dlf, files), total=len(files), leave=True, unit=" img", disable=False, dynamic_ncols=True, smoothing=1, bar_format=fmt))
except DownloadFailed as e:
if self.retryprompt:
self.dlch(k, v, n+1)
raise e
if self.format != "folder":
patoolib.create_archive(f"{jdir}.{self.format}", [i[0] for i in files], verbosity=-1)
if self.delfolder:
def dl(self, title: str, chs: Dict[Union[int, float], list[str]]):
self.title = title
for k, v in chs.items():
self.dlch(k, v)
def dl_chdls(
chdls: List[Dict[Union[float, int, None], str]],
title: str,
n = 1
chs = {}
for r in chdls:
ch, arg = list(r.items())[0]
if ch:
if isinstance(ch, Union[int, float]):
k = ch
k = ast.literal_eval(ch)
k = -n
n += 1
chs[k] = arg
self.dl(title, chs)
def cli(
cli_search: Callable[[str], Dict[str, str]],
chdls: Callable[[str], List[Dict[Union[float, int, None], str]]],
title: str,
sr = cli_search(title, **self.kwargs)
if sr:
ls = list(sr.keys())
title = ls[int(tblp(ls))]
self.dl_chdls(chdls(sr[title]), title)
ct.panel(style.warning(f"No manga with similar title with the requested title or anything similar found. Use other search terms or remove some filters."))
def urel(url: str):
url = URL(url)
if url.is_absolute():
url = url.relative()
return url
def cr(rs: str) ‑> Callable[[int], bool]
Returns a function that checks if the given int is within the range or not. The range is calculated from the given string.
- The range string where the range is calculated from.
Callable[[int], bool]
- The function that checks if the given int is within the range or not.
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def cr(rs: str) -> Callable[[int], bool]: """ Returns a function that checks if the given int is within the range or not. The range is calculated from the given string. Args: rs (str): The range string where the range is calculated from. Returns: Callable[[int], bool]: The function that checks if the given int is within the range or not. """ if rs: return lambda x: any(condition(x) for condition in _cr(rs)) else: return lambda x: True
def get_extension(filename: str) ‑> str
Get the file extension of a file from the given filename.
- The filename to get the file extension from.
- The file extension from the given filename.
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def get_extension(filename: str) -> str: """ Get the file extension of a file from the given filename. Args: filename (str): The filename to get the file extension from. Returns: str: The file extension from the given filename. """ return filename.strip("/").split("/")[-1].split("?")[0].split(".")[-1]
def ordinal(n: int) ‑> str
Convert the given number to ordinal number.
- The number to convert into ordinal number.
- The said ordinal number.
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def ordinal(n: int) -> str: """ Convert the given number to ordinal number. Args: n (int): The number to convert into ordinal number. Returns: str: The said ordinal number. """ return "%d%s" % (n,"tsnrhtdd"[(n//10%10!=1)*(n%10<4)*n%10::4])
def sanitize_filename(filename: str) ‑> str
Sanitize the given filename.
- The filename to be sanitized.
- Sanitized filename.
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def sanitize_filename(filename: str) -> str: """ Sanitize the given filename. Args: filename (str): The filename to be sanitized. Returns: str: Sanitized filename. """ return re.sub(re.compile(r"[<>:\"/\\|?*]", re.DOTALL), "", str(filename))
def soup(url: str, req: Type[req] = mangdl.api.base.req, method: str = 'get', **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) ‑> bs4.BeautifulSoup
Returns a soup from the given url.
- URL to get the soup from.
, optional- Object to call the methods from. Defaults to req.
- the soup
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def soup(url: str, req: Type[req]=req, method: str="get", **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> BeautifulSoup: """ Returns a soup from the given url. Args: url (str): URL to get the soup from. req (Type[req], optional): Object to call the methods from. Defaults to req. Returns: BeautifulSoup: the soup """ return BeautifulSoup(getattr(req, method)(url, **kwargs).text, "lxml")
def tblp(ls: List[str], ht: str = 'title', prompt: str = 'Enter the index of the manga to be downloaded')
Table prompt. Receive a list of items, format it in a table form and print, then prompt the user to choose from the list using an index.
- List of items.
, optional- [description]. Defaults to "title".
, optional- [description]. Defaults to 'Enter the index of the manga to be downloaded'.
- The input of the user.
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def tblp(ls: List[str], ht: str="title", prompt: str='Enter the index of the manga to be downloaded'): """ Table prompt. Receive a list of items, format it in a table form and print, then prompt the user to choose from the list using an index. Args: ls (List[str]): List of items. ht (str, optional): [description]. Defaults to "title". prompt (str, optional): [description]. Defaults to 'Enter the index of the manga to be downloaded'. Returns: click.prompt: The input of the user. """ ct.panel("Search Results") ct.table(["index", ht], enumerate(ls)) return click.prompt( style.ch_t4(f'{prompt}, defaults to 0'), '0', type=click.Choice( [str(i) for i in range(len(ls))] ), show_choices=False, show_default=False )
def urel(url: str)
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def urel(url: str): url = URL(url) if url.is_absolute(): url = url.relative() return url
class Ch (url: str, ch: Union[int, float, ForwardRef(None)], vol: Union[int, float, ForwardRef(None)], title: str, views: int = 0, uploaded_at: str = None, scanlator_groups: List[str] = <factory>, user: str = None, imgs: List[str] = <factory>)
Ch(url: str, ch: Union[int, float, NoneType], vol: Union[int, float, NoneType], title: str, views: int = 0, uploaded_at: str = None, scanlator_groups: List[str] =
, user: str = None, imgs: List[str] = ) Expand source code
@dataclass class Ch: url : str ch : Union[int, float, None] vol : Union[int, float, None] title : str views : int = 0 uploaded_at : str = None scanlator_groups : List[str] = field(default_factory=list) user : str = None imgs : List[str] = field(default_factory=list)
Class variables
var ch : Union[int, float, ForwardRef(None)]
var imgs : List[str]
var scanlator_groups : List[str]
var title : str
var uploaded_at : str
var url : str
var user : str
var views : int
var vol : Union[int, float, ForwardRef(None)]
class Downloader (ch_fn: Callable[[Any], List[str]], ra: Callable[[httpx.Response], int] = None, headers: Dict[str, Any] = {}, cookies: Dict[str, Any] = {}, range: str = '', directory: str = None, overwrite: bool = True, format: str = 'cbz', delfolder: bool = True, retry: int = 3, retryprompt: bool = False, threads: int = 30, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any])
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class Downloader: def __init__( self, ch_fn: Callable[[Any], List[str]], ra: Callable[[httpx.Response], int]=None, headers: Dict[str, Any] = {}, cookies: Dict[str, Any] = {}, range: str='', directory: str=None, overwrite: bool=True, format: str='cbz', delfolder: bool=True, retry: int=3, retryprompt: bool=False, threads: int=30, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any] ): self.kwargs = kwargs local = locals() for i in ["ch_fn", "ra", "headers", "cookies", "overwrite", "delfolder", "retry", "retryprompt", "threads"]: setattr(self, i, local[i]) if directory: self.ddir = directory elif sys.platform == "win32": self.ddir = os.path.join(os.path.join(os.environ['USERPROFILE']), 'Desktop', 'Manga') else: self.ddir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), "Manga") self.format = format.lower() self.check = cr(range) def _dlf(self, file: list[str], n: int=0): """ The core individual image downloader. Args: file (str): List containing the filename and the url of the file. n (int, optional): Times the download for this certain file is retried. Defaults to 0. """ if (n+1) == self.retry: return False else: with open(file[0] + ".tmp", "wb") as f: try: with"GET", file[1], headers=self.headers, cookies=self.cookies) as r: if r.status_code == 200: for chunk in r.iter_bytes(chunk_size=8192): f.write(chunk) elif r.status_code == 429: retry = self.ra(r) time.sleep(retry) self._dlf(file, n) except (httpx.ReadTimeout, httpx.ConnectTimeout): self._dlf(file, n+1) return True def dlf(self, file: List[str]): """ Individual image downloader. Args: file (str): List containing the filename and the url of the file. """ try: os.makedirs(os.path.split(file[0])[0]) except FileExistsError: pass if os.path.isfile(f"{file[0]}.tmp"): os.remove(f"{file[0]}.tmp") f = self._dlf(file) if f: os.replace(f"{file[0]}.tmp", file[0]) else: raise DownloadFailed(f"Download of {file[1]} failed.") def dlch(self, k: Union[int, float], v: List[str], n: int=0): """ Individual chapter downloader. Args: k (Union[int, float]): Chapter number. v (List[str]): List of image urls. """ dl = True jdir = os.path.join(self.ddir, self.title, sanitize_filename(k)) if self.check(k): if os.path.isdir(jdir): if self.overwrite: shutil.rmtree(jdir) else: dl = False if os.path.isfile(f"{jdir}.{self.format}"): if self.overwrite: os.remove(f"{jdir}.{self.format}") else: dl = False if (n+1) == self.retry: dl = False if dl: chapter_name = str(k) jdir = os.path.join(self.ddir, self.title, sanitize_filename(chapter_name)) dl = True if dl: files = [] for index, page in enumerate(self.ch_fn(v)): filename = os.path.join( self.ddir, self.title, sanitize_filename(chapter_name), f"{index}.{get_extension(str(page))}" ).replace("\\", "/") files.append((filename, page)) fmt = style.t1(style.ch_ac1(chapter_name) + " [{remaining_s:05.2f} secs, {rate_fmt:0>12}] " + style.ldb("{bar}") +" [{n:03d}/{total:03d}, {percentage:03.0f}%]") try: with ThreadPool(self.threads) as pool: list(tqdm(pool.imap(self.dlf, files), total=len(files), leave=True, unit=" img", disable=False, dynamic_ncols=True, smoothing=1, bar_format=fmt)) except DownloadFailed as e: if self.retryprompt: self.dlch(k, v, n+1) else: raise e if self.format != "folder": patoolib.create_archive(f"{jdir}.{self.format}", [i[0] for i in files], verbosity=-1) if self.delfolder: shutil.rmtree(jdir) def dl(self, title: str, chs: Dict[Union[int, float], list[str]]): self.title = title for k, v in chs.items(): self.dlch(k, v) def dl_chdls( self, chdls: List[Dict[Union[float, int, None], str]], title: str, ): n = 1 chs = {} for r in chdls: ch, arg = list(r.items())[0] if ch: if isinstance(ch, Union[int, float]): k = ch else: k = ast.literal_eval(ch) else: k = -n n += 1 chs[k] = arg self.dl(title, chs) def cli( self, cli_search: Callable[[str], Dict[str, str]], chdls: Callable[[str], List[Dict[Union[float, int, None], str]]], title: str, ): sr = cli_search(title, **self.kwargs) if sr: ls = list(sr.keys()) title = ls[int(tblp(ls))] self.dl_chdls(chdls(sr[title]), title) else: ct.panel(style.warning(f"No manga with similar title with the requested title or anything similar found. Use other search terms or remove some filters."))
def cli(self, cli_search: Callable[[str], Dict[str, str]], chdls: Callable[[str], List[Dict[Union[float, int, ForwardRef(None)], str]]], title: str)
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def cli( self, cli_search: Callable[[str], Dict[str, str]], chdls: Callable[[str], List[Dict[Union[float, int, None], str]]], title: str, ): sr = cli_search(title, **self.kwargs) if sr: ls = list(sr.keys()) title = ls[int(tblp(ls))] self.dl_chdls(chdls(sr[title]), title) else: ct.panel(style.warning(f"No manga with similar title with the requested title or anything similar found. Use other search terms or remove some filters."))
def dl(self, title: str, chs: Dict[Union[int, float], list[str]])
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def dl(self, title: str, chs: Dict[Union[int, float], list[str]]): self.title = title for k, v in chs.items(): self.dlch(k, v)
def dl_chdls(self, chdls: List[Dict[Union[float, int, ForwardRef(None)], str]], title: str)
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def dl_chdls( self, chdls: List[Dict[Union[float, int, None], str]], title: str, ): n = 1 chs = {} for r in chdls: ch, arg = list(r.items())[0] if ch: if isinstance(ch, Union[int, float]): k = ch else: k = ast.literal_eval(ch) else: k = -n n += 1 chs[k] = arg self.dl(title, chs)
def dlch(self, k: Union[int, float], v: List[str], n: int = 0)
Individual chapter downloader.
:Union[int, float]
- Chapter number.
- List of image urls.
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def dlch(self, k: Union[int, float], v: List[str], n: int=0): """ Individual chapter downloader. Args: k (Union[int, float]): Chapter number. v (List[str]): List of image urls. """ dl = True jdir = os.path.join(self.ddir, self.title, sanitize_filename(k)) if self.check(k): if os.path.isdir(jdir): if self.overwrite: shutil.rmtree(jdir) else: dl = False if os.path.isfile(f"{jdir}.{self.format}"): if self.overwrite: os.remove(f"{jdir}.{self.format}") else: dl = False if (n+1) == self.retry: dl = False if dl: chapter_name = str(k) jdir = os.path.join(self.ddir, self.title, sanitize_filename(chapter_name)) dl = True if dl: files = [] for index, page in enumerate(self.ch_fn(v)): filename = os.path.join( self.ddir, self.title, sanitize_filename(chapter_name), f"{index}.{get_extension(str(page))}" ).replace("\\", "/") files.append((filename, page)) fmt = style.t1(style.ch_ac1(chapter_name) + " [{remaining_s:05.2f} secs, {rate_fmt:0>12}] " + style.ldb("{bar}") +" [{n:03d}/{total:03d}, {percentage:03.0f}%]") try: with ThreadPool(self.threads) as pool: list(tqdm(pool.imap(self.dlf, files), total=len(files), leave=True, unit=" img", disable=False, dynamic_ncols=True, smoothing=1, bar_format=fmt)) except DownloadFailed as e: if self.retryprompt: self.dlch(k, v, n+1) else: raise e if self.format != "folder": patoolib.create_archive(f"{jdir}.{self.format}", [i[0] for i in files], verbosity=-1) if self.delfolder: shutil.rmtree(jdir)
def dlf(self, file: List[str])
Individual image downloader.
- List containing the filename and the url of the file.
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def dlf(self, file: List[str]): """ Individual image downloader. Args: file (str): List containing the filename and the url of the file. """ try: os.makedirs(os.path.split(file[0])[0]) except FileExistsError: pass if os.path.isfile(f"{file[0]}.tmp"): os.remove(f"{file[0]}.tmp") f = self._dlf(file) if f: os.replace(f"{file[0]}.tmp", file[0]) else: raise DownloadFailed(f"Download of {file[1]} failed.")
class Manga (url: str, title: str, author: List[str], artist: List[str] = <factory>, covers: List[str] = <factory>, alt_titles: List[str] = <factory>, status: int = -1, demographics: str = None, content_rating: str = None, genres: Dict[str, str] = <factory>, updated_at: str = None, created_at: str = None, views: int = None, description: str = 'No description available.', links: Dict[str, str] = <factory>, chapters: Dict[Union[int, float], Ch] = <factory>)
Manga(url: str, title: str, author: List[str], artist: List[str] =
, covers: List[str] = , alt_titles: List[str] = , status: int = -1, demographics: str = None, content_rating: str = None, genres: Dict[str, str] = , updated_at: str = None, created_at: str = None, views: int = None, description: str = 'No description available.', links: Dict[str, str] = , chapters: Dict[Union[int, float], mangdl.api.base.Ch] = ) Expand source code
@dataclass class Manga: url : str title : str author : List[str] artist : List[str] = field(default_factory=list) covers : List[str] = field(default_factory=list) alt_titles : List[str] = field(default_factory=list) status : int = -1 demographics : str = None content_rating : str = None genres : Dict[str, str] = field(default_factory=dict) updated_at : str = None created_at : str = None views : int = None description : str = "No description available." links : Dict[str, str] = field(default_factory=dict) chapters : Dict[Union[int, float], Ch] = field(default_factory=list)
Class variables
var alt_titles : List[str]
var artist : List[str]
var chapters : Dict[Union[int, float], Ch]
var content_rating : str
var covers : List[str]
var created_at : str
var demographics : str
var description : str
var genres : Dict[str, str]
var links : Dict[str, str]
var status : int
var title : str
var updated_at : str
var url : str
var views : int
class Vls (vdict: Dict[str, Any], ls: List[str])
Vls(vdict: Dict[str, Any], ls: List[str])
Expand source code
@dataclass class Vls: vdict : Dict[str, Any] ls : List[str]
Class variables
var ls : List[str]
var vdict : Dict[str, Any]
class ddos_guard
Expand source code
class ddos_guard: pass
Class variables
var delete
var get
var head
var options
var patch
var post
var put
class r
Expand source code
class ddos_guard: pass
Class variables
var delete
var get
var head
var options
var patch
var post
var put
class req
Expand source code
class req: pass
Class variables
var delete
var get
var head
var options
var patch
var post
var put